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Better merge notifications

Árni Mathiesen and Særós Óskarsdóttir have written an article in Viðskiptablaðir about the importance of better merger announcements. It states, among other things, that by conducting a detailed market study and evaluating the main merger factors before a merger notification is sent to the Competition Authority, the speed of proceedings can be increased significantly. The article can be accessed here.

Better merge notifications Read More »

Arev catch target calculator opened for subscribers

The system calculates the allocated catch limit. Shows the percentage of selected shipping companies of the total catch target at any given time and depending on the selection, the effect of the purchase/merger of possible companies. You can choose basic assumptions based either on the current legal environment or assumptions in the draft bill on fisheries, Example of a calculation that shows the market share of the largest fisheries based on the catch limit after allocation of the catch limit

Arev catch target calculator opened for subscribers Read More »

Definitions of the commercial property rental market, consolidation, displacement rates and availability

In the summer, Arev wrote an opinion at the request of Regin on definitions of the commercial property rental market, transfer rates and replacement rates. Arev's results can be found in Verizon's merger announcement on the matter on the Competition Authority's website.

Definitions of the commercial property rental market, consolidation, displacement rates and availability Read More »

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