Our specialties

Arev's activities

Arev verðbréfafyrirtæki hf. provides services in the field of business consulting. The company has extensive experience and knowledge in the field of retail, import trade and service-related industries, which can be collectively called consumer product-related companies.

The company has also been increasing its knowledge of the fisheries sector and has conducted analyzes for the country's largest fisheries companies.

Since 2010, Arev has been authorized to provide advice to companies on equity development, policy-making and related matters, as well as advice and services regarding mergers and acquisitions, cf. 2. tl. Article 25, paragraph 1 Act no. 161/2002 on financial undertakings.

The advice is becoming more and more technical and specialized. Knowledge in the field of statistics and artificial intelligence is increasingly used in Arev's projects.

We provide various advice



Arev assesses the value of companies and assets in accordance with the probable sale and purchase price.


Arev has provided advice to large and small companies both in Iceland and abroad. Arev's specialization is in the marine, retail and travel industries.

Management consulting

Arev provides companies with management consulting and assists companies in setting up financial information and monitoring systems.

Buy & sell

Arev provides companies with sales, purchase and merger advice and advice on the preparation of balance sheets. Arev attracts co-investors for companies or investors and makes suggestions on the appearance of the balance sheet. Arev assists companies in financing.

Competitive consulting

Arev is a leader in the calculation of consolidation factors and has assisted with most of the larger mergers in Iceland in recent years.

Arev's expertise lies in helping with market definitions and assessing the impact of mergers on consolidation ratios.

HHI contributes to the food market

The advice is becoming increasingly technical and specialized. Knowledge in the field of statistics and artificial intelligence is increasingly used in Arev's projects. Below you can see the HHI contribution of the food market in Iceland in the year 2024.

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