Securities companies - asset management and consulting

Arev Securities Company
has many years of experience
in financial market advice

Securities companies

Property management and corporate consulting

Arev verðbréfafyretagi hf. performs asset management and corporate consulting.

The task of asset management is to manage institutional investment funds so that their returns are in line with clients' expectations and their pre-defined risks.

The task of corporate advisory is to pair capital and financial instruments so that customers get the best out of that business.

Operated since 1996

Arev Securities Company has many years of experience in asset management and has implemented procedures based on professional supervision and efficient processing of information that promotes trust and confidence between all stakeholders.



Arev assesses the value of companies and assets in accordance with the probable sale and purchase price.


Arev has provided large companies and small consultants both in Iceland and abroad. Arev specializes in retail, wholesale, services and industry.

Management consulting

Arev provides companies with management consulting and assists companies in setting up financial information and monitoring systems.

Buy & sell

Arev provides companies with sales, purchase and merger advice and advice on the preparation of balance sheets. Arev attracts co-investors for companies or investors and makes suggestions on the appearance of the balance sheet. Arev assists companies in financing.

Financial restructuring

Arev provides advice in the field of financial restructuring, and many have taken advantage of such advice in Iceland in the wake of the crisis.

Technical and specialized advice

Knowledge and analysis of the market

Market analysis

Arev uses and develops various tools to analyze and analyze the market.

Price development

Arev has for years analyzed price surveys for companies, institutions and NGOs. Diagnostic tools have been developed that are well suited for this type of analysis.



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